New York Times on Mesh Injuries and Texas Torts

Jane Akre
July 13, 2014

Photo from NYT

Texas has had an inquiry into mesh manufacturers, specifically Johnson & Johnson, for two years and nine other states have joined in. The New York Times, in its Texas edition reports that Aaron Horton and her Mesh Warrior Foundation for the Injured is helping women to recognize their injuries and providing them with information and a community online.

Your editor, Jane Akre, was asked about the Corporate Action Network letters to Texas AG Greg Abbot and what it was intended to accomplish. Here is the letter.

While I said J&J should stop spending its resources on $600 an hour lawyers and instead turn its resources into a sort of Superfund so women could have access to medical care, it came out that I wanted the company to settle.

Oh well. Mesh News Desk is still grateful for the coverage. Here is the story as it ran in the NYT July 13, 2014.

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New York Times, online Texas edition, July 13, 2014

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