Welcome to MND on Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

Jane Akre
August 13, 2016
talc image

Mesh Medical Device News Desk, July 13, 2016 ~ Welcome to MND. For five years Mesh News Desk has covered primarily the injuries coming from mesh created to be permanently placed in the pelvis in women. There are now more lawsuits consolidated in one court than for any other dangerous consumer product.

The site was created to follow the issue and inform. It is not medical or legal advice.

There seems to be a disproportionate number of medical devices and consumer products sold to women. Major pharmaceutical companies know women are the primary consumers for most households. Drugs are often seen with females in commercials. Just consider depression medication - those commercials almost always feature a woman.

Big Pharma knows that some women are willing recipients of marketing. Other women are developing a critical eye toward medical marketing. That is probably a good thing.

Greg Vigna lifecare123.com

Greg Vigna

The same thing goes for consumer products.

Talcum powder has been used for decades by women to "stay fresh" and its often used around the genital area. Some women put it in their underwear and do so every time they bathe. Even thought there were warnings 20 years ago about talc's link to cancer (Check out the Cancer Prevention Coalition) , it did not make the mainstream media. Now, we are hearing the news. How many women have been affected because they didn't know? For some, it is too late. That's what the trials are showing us.

While the link is not conclusive, there are too many correlations to ignore the facts. With more than 2,000 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed in the US each year, talc manufacturer understood the cancer risks associated with its talc products but failed to warn consumers. How many women might not have cancer if the Johnson' Baby Powder or Shower to Shower contained a warning? The stories that follow are intended to inform the reader about the risks, what is know and what is speculative so you can be an informed consumer.

Dr. Greg Vigna, MD and JD would like to help you with consulting on your condition if you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Dr. Greg Vigna is a practicing rehabilitation physician, a certified Life Care Planner, and an attorney. He has cared for patients with serious, life threatening injuries for over 20 years. His vocation and life mission are to help patients regain the greatest quality of life possible.

Dr. Vigna became an attorney because of his frustration with changes in the health care industry that prevented patients from receiving the highest standard of care. He believes that both government and private insurance companies ration care to the detriment of patients who are disabled by their injuries.

In addition, pharmaceutical and device companies have profited from pushing products to market, and not completing adequate safety research despite warnings that their products were causing serious injury. Dr. Vigna and his staff have witnessed the life-long suffering these patients experience. Many patients lose their ability to work, pay bills, and receive adequate medical care.

As an advocate Dr. Vigna is uniquely prepared to understand the nature of your injuries, and advocate for you either via settlement negotiations or in a court of law. He is experienced in national level litigation and together with partner attorneys takes on multi-national businesses such as Johnson & Johnson, BP, and others.

eva photo

Much of our writing is done by Eva Hvingelby NP, PhD is a Nurse Practitioner, writer, educator and researcher. She has been working in health care for over 25 years with a focus on traumatic injury and terminal illness.

Eva completed a Master of Science and Nurse Practitioner degree at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She then completed a Master of Arts in Organizational Systems, and a PhD in Human Development at the Fielding Institute; she pursued the PhD to better understand why individuals make both healthy and unhealthy choices throughout their lifetimes. Eva is a strong patient advocate. She believes every patient deserves to understand their rights, and all medical options available to help them gain the best quality of life possible.

MND was founded by Jane Akre five years ago. She learned about the talcum powder link to cancer 20 years ago when she was warned by Dr. Samuel Epstein professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition; and former President of the Rachel Carson Trust. His awards include the 1998 Right Livelihood Award and the 2005 Albert Schweitzer Golden Grand Medal for International Contributions to Cancer Prevention. Read Epstein writing on more preventable environmental cancers at Physicians for Social Responsibility. MND will continue to follow the issue and is in the process of creating Women's Health News Desk to include all products that may present a danger to women.

Please become informed. To that end, here are some website that are already looking into how to prevent cancer and the contaminates (such as talc) that you can eliminate from your environment! ##


Read Samuel Epstein's interview on Mercola.com. Dr. Epstein is the founder of the Cancer Prevention Coalition













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