What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

Jane Akre
July 8, 2016
Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer

Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer

Women's Health News Desk, July 7, 2016 ~ by Eva Hvingelby NP, PhD

What are the Most Common Ovarian Cancer Symptoms?

Ovarian cancer symptoms can mimic the signs of other medical conditions such as menstrual cramps, pelvic inflammation, or a bladder infection. This is why regularly seeing a gynecologist and addressing any new symptoms that develop, or symptoms that don’t go away, is important.

There are a few symptoms that most women with ovarian cancer experience. These include:

-feeling like you always need to urinate

-urinating and then immediately feeling the urge to urinate again shortly after

-abdominal bloating

-a dull ache or pain in the lower abdomen

-always feeling full, and not having much appetite

If these symptoms are experienced a couple times a week or more, it’s important to go see the doctor right away, and not wait until your annual exam.

What Causes the Symptoms?

One reason these symptoms develop in the presence of ovarian cancer, is because the tumor is growing and pressing on organs inside the pelvis. As the tumor grows, it can push down on and bend the bladder, making it harder for urine to flow out. It can also press against the intestines and other organs. This makes it difficult for food to pass through the digestive tract.

Depending on how large the ovarian tumor is, and if other tumors have spread throughout the abdomen, other symptoms that may be experienced include:

Changes in the flow and frequency of your period

Pain during sex


Feeling tired all the time

Losing weight despite an expanding waist size

Most often, the symptoms will be related to another condition. However, catching ovarian cancer early is important. Early diagnosis means there are more treatments available!

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