Medical Study on Chronic Mesh Pain Needs to Hear From You!

Jane Akre
April 6, 2017

Mesh Medical Device News Desk, April 6, 2017 ~ People suffering with chronic pain are asked to attend a one-day workshop in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.

Still Standing, a contributor to Mesh News Desk, is involved with a partnership with the University of Maryland and other institutions from around the world to teach researchers in chronic pain what they need to be measuring for outcomes. Chronic mesh pain certainly qualifies.

There is a big gap in research about pain and the ability to translate that to interventions that actually help pain patients. Meetings will bring in people who live with chronic pain to work with scientists who study pain. It is an important step in pain research.

Still Standing will be there and it is part of the American Pain Society annual scientific meeting. There is some money available for a small travel and time stipend. Food and refreshments will be provided. The principle investigator is at the University of Maryland. Her contact information is on the attachment. If any one is interested in attending, they just need to contact her for more details.


In order to better understand what researchers should know before engaging in patient centered outcomes research with the chronic pain community, the University of Maryland School of Public Health in collaboration with PAINS and the National Research Council is looking for patients living with chronic pain and their caregivers to invite to a one-day working meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 17, 2017. The working meeting will be held 10am - 3:30pm in rooms 401/402 of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To facilitate your participation, we can provide a stipend to cover your travel expenses and time, as well as lunch and refreshments during the meeting.

The purpose of this one-day working meeting is to discuss approaches for including community stakeholders in cultural competency/health literacy training for researchers interested in engaging in patient centered outcomes research (PCOR), and the added value of using patients as teaching partners. This working meeting directly addresses the National Pain Strategy which calls for improvements in “discipline-specific core competencies, including basic knowledge, assessment, effective team-based care, empathy, and cultural competency.”

During our meeting, we will review findings from an updated literature review of the role of patients/caregivers in health professional education, as well as findings from focus groups and in-depth interviews with patients living with chronic pain and chronic pain researchers. Most importantly, we will tease out together the key principles of a cultural competency/health literacy curriculum for patient-centered outcomes researchers; recommended evaluation and assessment methods and approaches to measuring patient engagement; and successful models.

If you are willing to give a little of your time to help inform implementation of this important aspect of the National Pain Strategy, please confirm your attendance with Dr. Olivia Carter-Pokras at by April 14, 2017.

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