April Showers Bring Media Attention, Trial Conclusions

Jane Akre
April 2, 2014
Cute baby pig

Cute baby pig

Finally spring is upon us, well almost, and many of you are sick of the freezing cold and the freeze-out by the media to this important issue of mesh injuries.

Well things are starting to thaw. Just this last week, Mesh News Desk was featured as part of a call to have Attorney General Holder investigate the destruction of litigation documents by J&J while they were under a hold. The issue was picked up by major media from AP and ABC News to Reuters! Raising awareness and Putting a Face on Adverse Events, has always been the goal of Mesh Medical Device News Desk (Mesh News Desk, MND) and continues to be. Because it is getting increasingly difficult to find women free to talk, per their lawyer's instructions, MND will occasionally feature other patient stories.

The community of mesh-injured is raising its voice and quite an impressive voice it is. I'm eternally grateful to the women who have sat in the recent Dallas trial (still underway as I write this). Thank you! And thank you to Aaron Horton for attending the trial with dedication and purpose! Great work Mesh Warrior!

This website attempts to provide the latest information concerning the science of mesh, the FDA and regulation of medical devices and the litigation that is ongoing. Advertisers are welcome! Doctors or health care professionals are always invited to submit columns to MND. I invite any industry or individuals who would like to talk directly to the community to make use of the Mesh News Desk Wire to send your message to your targeted audience of mesh-injured at a fraction of the cost of other services.

If you submit a comment to the site I will add you to the newsletter list. You can simply unsubscribe if you do not want to receive it. Thank you. Your email addresses are not shared, ever. In some cases, folks ask to talk to a patient advocate in their area. I will always ask you if I can share your email.

The information contained on these pages is not intended to substitute for advice from your legal or medical professionals. Any advertisers be forewarned that a firewall exists between advertising and editorial content. Advertising is welcome. See the Sponsor page. Donations are welcome as well to keep the doors opened.

This site follows the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics and tries to minimize any harm to an individual.

As always, Bruce Rosenberg is available to discuss your hernia injuries. Not a doctor or a lawyer, Bruce is hernia mesh-injured and has formed The National Meshoma Foundation. His purpose is education…please contact him for information and be patient because he is overwhelmed with the mesh-injured community. brosenberg1@bellsouth.net. 954-701-5094.


Jane Akre, editor Mesh NewsDesk

Jane Akre, Editor

Mesh News Desk

Stay well and stay in touch!

Jane Akre,

Editor, Mesh News Desk


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