Still Time to Participate in MDL Satisfaction Survey for Pelvic Mesh Plaintiffs

Jane Akre
April 4, 2019

Mesh Medical Device News Desk, April 4, 2019- It is not too late to participate in a survey and confidentially share your thoughts on how the multidistrict litigation (MDL) has been working for you.

More than 104,000 pelvic mesh cases were consolidated in one court in Charleston, West Virginia to expedite the settlements and to hear bellwether trials to set relative values of these cases, filed against seven manufacturers.

From your comments here and online, expedite is far from what has actually happened.

This is a chance to make use of legal channels to let the MDL committee know what has or has not worked for you, the plaintiff.

Image: Professor Elizabeth Burch

Feedback is vital to making things better.

Professor of Law, Elizabeth Burch would like your participation in this:

University of Georgia School of Law Procedural Justice Study, Confidential Study for Plaintiffs involved in Women’s Health MDLs

Burch, a law professor at the University of Georgia School of Law is conducting a project that gives plaintiffs a chance to confidentially discuss their experience with the justice system. That includes the lawyers, the judges and any third-party funders. Many have already participated and Professor Burch is very thankful.

She is not in any way affiliated with or related to any of the law firms, either side sand she does not consult for anyone. There have been some unsubstantiated rumors to that effect. She is funded solely by the University of Georgia.

She tells Mesh News Desk:

"I’m hoping that it will give them a voice. I’m working with Margaret Williams, who’s full time job is at the Federal Judicial Center, but who is writing under her Vanderbilt University affiliation. She’s a talented statistician, and our hope is to turn the study into a widespread in-depth look at the procedural justice issues (if the data shows they exist, of course) that litigants face in the mass harms."

Burch even provides her phone number so you can be reassured about confidentiality and the purpose of the survey. Otherwise the MDL system will continue what it's always done, amassing huge numbers of cases into one court to get them through the system. If it didn't work for you, perhaps you can pay it forward and help others.

Thank you in advance!

The link is here.


MND ~ What is an MDL and what are the benefits?

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